Ankota Login FAQs - GSIL

Common Logon Issues:

If you are using the Ankota App– make sure you have the latest version installed.  You can go to Google Play or the Apple Store to see if there is an update available

Also- if you currently use the App, the login for the webpage is the same


It wont take my log on info

Your username is GSIL.xxxxx  – replace the X’s with your PIN number that HR provided you. (Ex: GSIL.12345)

Be aware there is also a period in-between GSIL and your PIN number


It wont take my password

If you have tried the password supplied by HR and it doesn’t work, there are a couple options.

Click forgot password at the bottom of the screen – This only works if you have an up to date email or mobile number in the system

Let HR know if you do not have a current email or mobile number listed so that they may add it.  [email protected]

If a self reset doesn’t work- Email or call GSIL for a password reset   [email protected]   [email protected]


I get a 404 page cant be found error

remove the /logon from the end from the end of the URL (Web Address)

The correct address is