Benefits Counseling - GSIL

Benefits Counseling

Contact Us
Would you like to make more money? Are you assisting someone with their employment goals? Do you have questions about how going to work affects Federal and NH Disability Benefits?


GSIL’s Financial Planning & Disability Benefits Services can help guide you on the path to increasing your income. We will review your current situation and use the tools, resources, government benefits and work incentives available to help you create greater financial independence and achieve the best employment outcome. You will get a custom plan molded to your unique employment and disability benefits scenario.

GSIL Staff Financial Planning

GSIL also works with agencies and professionals looking for technical assistance and training regarding employment and disability benefits including Social Security disability benefits, Medicaid & MEAD. We have highly trained, certified and experienced staff to help address any technical questions that may arise.

Some of our specialty areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Social Security (SSI & SSDI)
  • PASS (Social Security Plan to Achieve Self-Support)
  • IRWE’s (Income Related Work Expenses)
  • Student Earned Income Exclusions
  • Medicaid & MEAD (Medicaid for Employed Adults with Disabilities)
  • Cost of Care
  • Spend-Downs
  • Medicare
  • TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
  • APTD (Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled)


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