Consumer Training Guide - Gsil

Consumer Training Guide


Hello and Welcome!

Thank you for choosing Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) as your care provider. GSIL is proud to be New Hampshire’s only Center for Independent Living (CIL), providing numerous programs, services and assistance to individuals with disabilities throughout the State of New Hampshire.

At GSIL, we have been advocating the Independent Living (IL) philosophy for over 40 years and fully understand the importance of you wanting to manage your own program. Our consumer directed program offers you the flexibility to choose your employees and to manage the services they will provide for you. It allows you to schedule your employees when you need them, giving you the ability to live independently in your home, in your community. GSIL values our consumers and their right to inclusion, independence, dignity, choice, and flexibility.

This consumer-directed skills training guidebook is a comprehensive tool to manage your program. While we have tried to be as thorough as possible in creating this guidebook, we also understand there might be topics you need additional assistance with. GSIL has a full support team available to provide you with the necessary information, skills training and assistance to allow for your program to be successful. As you know, sometimes it takes a team; we here at GSIL are part of your team and look forward to helping you as needed.

Welcome once again to your consumer directed program and thank you for choosing Granite State Independent Living, where your ability to live your life independently is our first priority.


Deb Ritcey, CEO


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