Education Services - GSIL

Education Services


Earn and Learn is a partnership of Vocational Rehabilitation New Hampshire (VRNH), Granite State Independent Living (GSIL), and the Manchester School District.  The program guides at-risk high school students with disabilities to become more engaged in their education and assists students in finding the relevance of their education to their career goals and life after high school.  The program is funded by the Manchester School District and VR New Hampshire.

Eligibility Requirements:


Granite State Independent Living Office, 60 Rogers Street, Suite 209, Manchester


IMPACCT is a partnership of Vocational Rehabilitation New Hampshire (VRNH), Granite State Independent Living (GSIL), and high schools throughout the state.  The program is dedicated to helping students with disabilities become part of the local workforce as they navigate from high school to employment, post-secondary education, or training that leads to a career.  The IMPACCT program is funded by VR New Hampshire.

Eligibility Requirements:


Program Description:

Comprehensive instruction focuses on the 5 Pre-Employment Transition Services:

In small groups (16 students max) students work through an academic curriculum presented as a simulated work environment with soft skills braided throughout.  Students will have the opportunity to earn academic credit through Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs), become more aware of career options, have work-based learning experiences out in the community, personal finance, budgeting, health, and life skills activities to obtain a fuller understanding of the world of work and life after high school.  The competency-based curriculum aligns with DOE College Career Readiness Standards and provides blended learning with differentiated instruction.

Program Schedule:

There are 3 cohorts offered each year:

Scheduling for each session is as follows:


How do I contact you about receiving Education Services?  

Call: 603.228.9680 or 1-800-826-3700

Email[email protected]