GSIL Registry - GSIL

GSIL Registry

Are you looking to find a local New Hampshire caregiver to assist you at home?

Below are statewide listings, by county, of caregivers screened by Granite State Independent Living throughout New Hampshire.  These listings are password-protected and are only intended for current Granite State Independent Living Home Care customers.  If you need assistance accessing these listings or would like to obtain a password, please contact us today.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This registry and any information within it are for the sole use of Granite State Independent Living consumers, service coordinators and recruitment coordinators and contain information that may be privileged and confidential. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. The intent of this registry is to make available to consumers, service coordinators and recruitment coordinators of Granite State Independent Living, persons desiring to work as Home Care Attendants, and is not to be seen as an endorsement for employment.

Care Attendant Registries by County:

See the map below to help determine your nearby towns and counties.

nh towns