Going Over the Edge - GSIL

Going Over the Edge

Save the Date – June 24, 2025 GSIL will once again be going “over the edge” of the Brady Sullivan Building in Manchester

GSIL is Going Over the Edge!

Stay tuned for more info as we recruit our heroes.  We will add the link to our fundraising page through our partners Greater Nashua United Way in the next few weeks.

Interested in becoming a GSIL Hero?  Willing to rappel over the Brady Sullivan building?  Are you able to raise $1,000 to support our mission?  Reach out to us today [email protected]

GSIL is Going Over the Edge!  Granite United Way’s annual fundraiser, “Over the Edge” is back, and so are we!  On June 24th we will have a team of 3 individuals that are willing to rappel down the outside of the 300’ tall Brady Sullivan Tower to help us raise money for GSIL. Yes, you read that right! They will be rappelling down the outside of one of the tallest buildings in NH!

These individuals are willing to do something that most of us would never think of doing – to help raise money for GSIL! So don’t let their effort be in vain. Let’s do all we can to help them raise as much money as possible.

Teams of 3 will “jump in” and help us raise funds!

man on handicapped bike

Consumer Success Story

After a recent spinal cord injury resulted in paraplegia, Kevin’s life soon changed. The staff at GSIL worked closely with him through his rehabilitation, offering resources, peer support and mentoring as well as assisting him in networking with his community to set goals. Kevin obtained 2 accessible vehicles, had his own apartment and sat on several different disability related committees. He participated in barrier.

free recreation and peer support groups. With some guidance from GSIL staff, Kevin obtained a hand cycle through Challenge Athletes Foundation. In the fall of 2019, he did the research to find an accessible subsidized apartment. He spoke with his employer about a transfer in jobs to the franchise in the city to which he was moving. He now had a job waiting for him as well!