NH Gives (statewide giving day) - GSIL

NH Gives (statewide giving day)

#NHGives is a day to celebrate all the good not-for-profits do in New Hampshire communities! GSIL proudly participates year over year.

GSIL is excited to participate in #NHGives, NH’s single largest day of giving! Support our campaign by visiting https://www.nhgives.org/organizations/granite-state-independent-living  and donate on June 10-11, 2025.

GSIL constantly adapts to ensure seamless provision of our 17 programs and services to people with disabilities and underserved youth throughout New Hampshire.

Your gift in any amount is needed more than ever.  Please support GSIL and help us meet our goal of $5,200?.    Join the movement! Together, with donors like you, we are Bringing Independence to Life.

man on handicapped bike

Consumer Success Story

After a recent spinal cord injury resulted in paraplegia, Kevin’s life soon changed. The staff at GSIL worked closely with him through his rehabilitation, offering resources, peer support and mentoring as well as assisting him in networking with his community to set goals. Kevin obtained 2 accessible vehicles, had his own apartment and sat on several different disability related committees. He participated in barrier.

free recreation and peer support groups. With some guidance from GSIL staff, Kevin obtained a hand cycle through Challenge Athletes Foundation. In the fall of 2019, he did the research to find an accessible subsidized apartment. He spoke with his employer about a transfer in jobs to the franchise in the city to which he was moving. He now had a job waiting for him as well!