Community Based Services - Gsil

Community Based Services

Contact Us

GSIL wants its consumers to be as healthy as they can be—physically, mentally, and engaging in the community. Once that happens, they are truly living independently. GSIL prides itself on offering accessible social events so our consumers can get around, enjoy in-person socialization, and “be part of something again.” Learn more in this short video.

Are you connected to a New Hampshire Area Agency? Do you want to know how Granite State Independent Living’s employment & community support day services can help you?
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Granite State Independent Living will assist you in finding and maintaining employment and community involvement based on your unique interests and abilities. We work closely with local Area Agencies throughout New Hampshire to provide assistance for people with developmental disabilities and acquired brain disorders.

in-home assistance

We will assist you in developing and implementing an individualized day program based on your needs and skills. This can include job development, employment, volunteer work, daily living skills and a variety of community activities. Our staff work as a team to support people with disabilities and their families and guardians to develop and implement a solution tailored for you.

Employment supports include:

  • Development of natural supports
  • Transition services
  • Support for job training
  • Employer contacts / check-ins
  • Assessment of job-retention skills
  • Job coaching support
  • Transportation assistance
  • Daily living skills (i.e. cooking, laundry, banking)


Community supports include:

  • Volunteer work
  • Community activities (i.e. errands, shopping, recreation, health & wellness, eating out)
  • Going to medical and other appointments


Granite State Independent Living has been providing employment and community support day services for over 30 years and has extensive experience in identifying needs and creating effective individualized services. We are committed to the person-centered approach.

Contact us to learn more about the options available to you.

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