Education Services - Gsil

Education Services

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girl receives diploma

GSIL helps New Hampshire’s underserved students with disabilities transition from high school towards a more promising future. We can help your school build tailored solutions to meet the individual students’ needs, preferences and interests.

Both our Earn and Learn Opportunities and IMPACCT programs are comprehensive programs that cover the five pre-employment transition services.

  1. Job Exploration Counseling
  2. Work-Based Learning Experience
  3. Comprehensive Transition Program & Post- Secondary Education
  4. Workplace Readiness Training
  5. Instruction in Self- Advocacy

Student Testimonials

“It’s allowed me to do so much more than I thought I could do”

“It’s given me opportunities I never would have had”

“You might not see it now, but down the road all these skills we’ve learned are going to assist us in many ways.”

“Being able to know things about the real world was a blessing to me because now I know what to expect in the future.”

“Not only have I gained knowledge about the real world and information about the career I want to do.” 

“Earn and learn has given me hope. I was so afraid to go into the real world because I didn’t know a lot about it. Now that I have the knowledge, I now know what I need to do to make myself successful.”

“Someone once told me to never give up, and if you put your mind to it then you can achieve anything, with determination, passion, and dedication.”

“This program really is an outlet for team building, skill building, life skills, and above all success. GSIL offers students unwavering support. I hope that one day I can make an impact on people the way you all have on me.”

DaSean G.- Fall 2021 E&L student

“This program gave me something more tangible through experience and knowledge.”

“The values they teach us to hold in the workplace, the information they impart to us for being a worker, and the impact they leave on us as individuals.”

“Earn and Learn motivated me and taught me to never give up.”

“I’m so grateful for this experience. Words can’t explain how thankful I am for this experience. I have learned so much not just about resumes and interviews, but what it means to be a hard worker and to help each other.”

Earn and Learn Opportunities Program:  Life isn’t about finding yourself.  Life is about creating yourself.

Granite State Independent Living, in partnership with VR New Hampshire and the Manchester School District, is dedicated to helping students with disabilities become a successful part of the local workforce as they navigate from high school to employment, post-secondary education, or training that leads toward a career.

The Earn and Learn Program leads a small group of students (maximum of 16) as they work through an academic curriculum presented as a simulated work environment.  Students have the opportunity to earn academic credit through Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs), with soft skills and training braided throughout the program. Through this experiential approach the program helps students reengage with their education and understand the value it has for their career. This tool can help your school build a path to increased graduation and decreased dropout rates.

Earn and Learn Program Success (July 2010 – August 2023)

Students participated in
a work experience and have
graduated from the program since 2010
ELO’s have
been completed
Academic credits obtained
with 384 additional credits
gained through the computer lab

Earn and Learn Program Success (July 2010 – August 2023)

Students have already
graduated from high school 
Students graduated
Students attended
alternative education

Earn and Learn Program Success (July 2010 – August 2023)

Students returned to
high school
Average student
attendance rate
Students have earned
their GED/HiSET

Earn and Learn Program Success (July 2010 – August 2023)

of student
have IEP’s
of the students
have 504 plans
of students receive
reduced lunch

Earn and Learn Program Success (July 2010 – August 2023)

of students have graduated high
school two year after the program,
obtained their GED/HiSET or are
on track to graduate.
of students have moved or
the information is unknown
group of young adults get certificates

IMPACCT: Inspiring the Mastery of Post-secondary Achievement in College, Careers & Training
This pre-employment transition service is similar to our Manchester, NH-based option, Earn & Learn Opportunities Program (above), IMPACCT’s experiential approach helps students reengage with their education and understand the value it has for their career. This tool can help your school build a path to increased graduation and decreased dropout rates.  We can also help you create a non-traditional group program through our IMPACCT Program.

woman presenting

MPACCT is a partnership of New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation (NHVR), Granite State Independent Living (GSIL), and high schools throughout New Hampshire. The program is dedicated to helping underserved students and students with IEPs/504 Plans become part of the local workforce as they navigate from high school to employment, post-secondary education, or training that leads towards a career.

IMPACCT Program Success (October 2016 – August 2023)

Students participated in a work experience and have graduated from the program since 2016

IMPACCT Program Success (October 2016 – August 2023)

Academic credits obtained with 57.25 additional credits gained through the computer lab

IMPACCT Program Success (October 2016 – August 2023)

Students graduated from high school
following the program, and 400 students
are on the pathway to graduation

IMPACCT Program Success (October 2016 – August 2023)

Students graduated immediately 
Students returned to high school
ELO’s have been completed

IMPACCT Program Success (October 2016 – August 2023)

Students attended alternative education
Sverage student attendance rate
of student have IEP’s

IMPACCT Program Success (October 2016 – August 2023)

of the students have 504 plans

Contact us to learn more about the options available to you.

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