Vocational Rehabilitation - GSIL

Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)

What is VR? 

The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation assists eligible New Hampshire citizens with disabilities to secure suitable competitive integrated employment and financial and personal independence by providing rehabilitation services.  They have programs to work with transition aged youth, blind and visually impaired, deaf, and hard of hearing and more.

How is GSIL Connected? 

Granite State Independent Living has been an approved vendor for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) for many years. We can provide job development services for VR through their Community Rehabilitation Program.

Do I qualify? 

Any individual with a disability can apply to VR for services.  To be found eligible they must have a disability that interferes with their ability to obtain and maintain employment.  Once found eligible they are connected with a VR Counselor.  The individual and Counselor work together to develop a plan to achieve the desired employment goal.  The plan often includes referring the individual to a vendor to assist with job development activities.

How to I acquire services? 

This is where GSIL can come in.  The Counselor will make a formal referral to us, schedule a referral meeting, and identify what services are authorized for GSIL to provide.  The GSIL Employment Coordinator then starts meeting with the individual and providing the identified services.  The Employment Coordinator also provides the VR Counselor with regular reports on activities and progress.

Once the individual obtains employment then the VR Counselor can authorize on-going support from the Employment Coordinator.  This typically will go for up to three months and sometimes longer.  Once the VR Counselor considers that the individual is stable in their employment they will close the case out.  If any issues occur after that point the case can be re-opened for post-employment supports.

How do I contact you about receiving PCA Services?  

Call: 603.228.9680 or 1-800-826-3700

Email[email protected]