Grateful to Be Able to Stay in My Own Home

“I am grateful to be able to stay in my own home.”

After spending most of her adult life raising her child, as well as a niece and nephew, Dora’s health issues started to get worse. Over the course of ten years, things continued to decline. Unable to fully care for herself, she wound up in a nursing home for a brief period of time.

Once she got back home, managing everyday life was still a struggle. Trips to the laundromat, the grocery store, and the pharmacy were difficult. She had a hard time preparing her own meals.

One day her neighbor mentioned an agency called Granite State Independent Living.

Dora called and learned about their In Home Personal Care Program.

Now, a personal care aide comes Monday through Friday to help her with errands, meals, and hygiene.

Dora can comfortably stay at home and still have the basics of independent living—good food, clean clothes, and medication.

It means the world to her.

Want to learn more about the programs offered by Granite State Independent Living? Head over to or call 603-228-9680.


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