“IMPACCT gave me confidence.”

Meet Jenna.


Beach lover.

Cancer survivor.

Jenna was diagnosed with cancer as a toddler. She spent years in and out of hospitals and recovering from treatments.

From the time she was a little girl, she remembers baking with her dad. Together in the kitchen, father and daughter measured and stirred.

After high school, Jenna attended Granite State Independent Living’s IMPACCT program. She wanted to focus on learning some new life skills that would eventually improve her chances in the work force.

At IMPACCT, Jenna took courses on budgeting, creative writing, and communication. Held at Manchester Community College, the class sizes were small. Students interacted easily with one another.

When asked how IMPACCT helped her, Jenna didn’t hesitate to answer.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t learning how to interview for a job or fill out an application. It had nothing to do with dollars and cents or words typed on a page.

It was something much bigger.

“Confidence. IMPACCT gave me the confidence to speak to my doctors without my mom in the room. That means a lot to me.”

Independence looks different for everyone. It can be the chance to have a job, drive a car, understand a weekly budget, or rent an apartment.

Sometimes it’s nothing more than a few private words with your own doctor.

Healthy now, Jenna and her father continue to create desserts together. What was once a childhood pastime in the shadow of treatments and cancer is now a full-fledged passion. In fact, she hopes to open her own bakery one day.

Her favorite thing to make? Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. It’s an old family recipe.

Want to learn more about IMPACCT and other programs offered by Granite State Independent Living? Call 603-228-9680 for details.

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